The Universe, was smaller than an atom before the Bing Bang (13.7 billion years ago). After the explosion the Universe expanded quickly and today Galaxies are still flying apart from each other.
* In life nothing is stable, even galaxies move..
Light is known to be a wave. However, light sometimes behaves like a
wave and sometimes like a stream of particles.
* Related to different situations in life we have to behave differently...
Think of a window. Each photon has a 95
per cent chance of being transmitted and a 5 per cent chance of being reflected. Each
individual photon arriving at a window has exactly the same chance of being
transmitted as any of its fellows – 95 per cent – and exactly the same chance of being reflected
– 5 per cent. There is absolutely no way to know for certain what will happen to a
given photon. Whether it is transmitted or reflected is entirely down to random chance.
* In life there is chance...
If two electrons are created together - the
first with clockwise spin, the second with anticlockwise spin – their total spin is
zero. There is a law of nature that says the total spin of such a system can never change (law
of conservation of angular momentum). In 1982, University of Paris created pairs
of photons and sent members of each pair to detectors separated by a distance of 13
meters. It is observed that when one electron’s spin direction is changed in less than 10
nanoseconds, the other electron’s spin direction changes automatically, remaining the total
spin again as zero.
* Our feelings, thoughts and actions (positive or negative) affect other happenings, even we don't know..
A typical atom is about 100,000 times
bigger than the nucleus at its centre. There is such
a fantastic amount of space in atoms.
* Finally, life is not so important, it is empty : )"Quantum Theory Cannot Hurt You: A Guide To the Universe" (Marcus Chown)